After the visit to the Rooms at the start of the week, most of my work on the Parks contract has been sourcing raw materials and background reading on bows and bowmaking.
My main focus for the week has swung back to one final wholesale order for a shop in Gros Morne and Craft Council meetings. I had a shop meeting on Wednesday afternoon and a board meeting on Thursday morning.

This is the end of the first quarter of the fiscal year so it was a lot of money talk. We're using a new method for budgeting which makes it easier for us to plan ahead for the rest of the year, rather than just wondering over what has already happened.
With the wholesale order, I'd like to get it out the door before Monday. I'm anxious to get back to the Parks reproductions and the more work I get done on the wholesale order today the less I'll need to do over the weekend. I have a handfull of points to finish in the workshop and a bit of assembly work to do in the basement.

Until Monday, here's some Elfshot content that might interest you. A pair of a 2005 articles in .pdf format by Alaric Hall; the first from the Journal
Folklore called,
Getting Shot of Elves: Healing, Witchcraft, and Faeries in the Scottish Witchcraft Trials and a second from
Neuphilologische Mitteilungen: Bulletin of the Modern Language Society called,
Calling the shots: the Old English remedy gif hors ofscoten sie and Anglo-Saxon "elf-shot".Photo Credits:Top, Janet Michel
Middle & Bottom, Tim Rast
Photo Captions:Top, Chuck and Tim and the Tuktut Nogait Bow
Middle, Goldstone points, ready to notch
Bottom, Fibre Optic Necklaces ready for Java Jack's, Rocky Harbour
The fibre optic blues and greens are stunning. You'd be the "King of the Dorset" with endblades made from that material!