I posted some photos of the
Tuktut Nogait reproduction bow on a forum dedicated to recreating ancient technology, called
Palaeoplanet. The feedback there was very useful. One question was whether or not there were any splints or braces under the lashing on the bend in the limb. There wasn't, but there should have been, so I added some. They don't change the appearance of the bow, but they make a marked difference in performance.

The original bow was in two pieces with a splice in one limb, so I assumed that there would be lashing at that point, and possibly a brace piece, although no additional bow parts were found with the
Tuktut Nogait bow. The bow is flat across the back and most of the limb has a curved belly, creating a D-shaped cross section, except at the knee in the limb, where the splice would be lashed onto the rest of the limb.

At that point the limb has a rectangular cross section for about 4 inches, which is the area that I wrapped the lashings around. The same spot on the complete limb had a similar rectangular cross section, which seemed to mark the position of the tight lashing. I added the lashings thinking that it might help strengthen the limb, but also so that the bow would look more like I imagined the
original would have looked.

However, from a bow making perspective, that is just adding useless weight to the limb for no reason. I dug a bit more and found some excellent analogs for the
Tuktut Nogait bow in Karen McCullough's
The Ruin Islanders. These bows are much earlier than I imagined the
Tuktut Nogait bow to be, but they are such good matches in the shape of the limbs and
nocks that it made me rethink the reproduction I was working on. The Ruin Island bows were found on
Ellesmere Island, well above the tree line and a long way from
Tuktut Nogait National Park, but there are many similarities.

The Ruin Island bows made heavy use of baleen, in fact some of the smaller bows are entirely made from baleen. Others combined wood and baleen, using baleen as brace pieces on the back of the bow in the knees, which is exactly where the bow makers on
Palaeoplanet suggested my bow might need reinforcement.

If the braces on the
Tuktut Nogait bow were originally baleen then differences in preservation might explain why they were not found along with the wood components, even though the wood part of the bow seems designed to fit them.
The baleen braces were quick and easy to make, I just cut ovals out of baleen using the scroll saw and sanded down the edges to a smooth taper around the edge. I boiled them and bent them into a slight curve that would fit the
recurve of the bow and lashed them into place.

Interestingly, the 71 feet of braided sinew that I've been using for the cable fit perfectly this time. Every other time that I've wrapped the cable I had 18-24 inches left over. I thought that the cord might be stretching when I wrapped it, but I measured it again this time and its still 71 feet long. I also weighed everything while it was apart.
Here are the specs:
- Wood, yew (50"): 223 g
- Braided sinew, (71'): 104 g
- Baleen braces, (4 1/2"): 10 g x 2
- Sinew bowstring, 2-ply, (49"): 12 g
- Sealskin cable lashing on grip (18"): 3 g

I lashed the baleen in place as firmly as I could and restrung the cable very tightly. The bow has settled back into its usual shape, but at first it was almost braced backwards from the tension in the cable. I haven't been able to shoot it yet, because the snow around here is too deep right now and I'd lose the arrows, but I like how it feels with the braces and tighter cable. The knees of the limbs no longer feel like the weakest point in the limb, they feel like the strongest.

The draw weight of the bow also shot up. It now draws about 34 pounds at 24" without any twists in the cable - which was the draw weight of the bow without braces after 3 cable twists (the lines overlap in the graph below). Now, with two twists in the cable, it has a draw weight of 36 pounds at 24", shown on the graph in orange, which is the highest I've seen yet.
I can't wait for some of this snow to go and try shooting it. Although to be honest, its still tough to draw to 24 inches without the string popping off the
nocks. The next time I take the cable off, I'll probably steam and bend the
recurves a little more and see if that helps change the string angle a bit.

The Ruin Island bows seem to have had identical
nocks to the
Tuktut Nogait bow and the angle of the
recurve in the complete bows
looks to be quite extreme. Incidentally, the house features where the majority of the Ruin Island bows were found were radiocarbon dated between 580 and 1120 years old. These bows have much more in common with the
Tuktut Nogait bow than any of the ethnographic bows that I've seen from the area and make me wonder if the
Tuktut Nogait bow isn't older than expected.
Photo Credits:1-4, 7-10: Tim
Rast5,6,11: From
The Ruin Islanders by Karen McCullough
Photo Captions:First: lashing in a baleen brace
Second: Tuktut Nogait bow drawn to 22" with baleen braces in place
Third: Braced bow showing the lashed in baleen
Fourth: Braced bow with baleen in place
Fifth: Ruin Island phase bows
Sixth: Ruin Island baleen brace pieces (middle row and bottom), sinew twisters (top)
Seventh: Baleen braces for the
Tuktut Nogait bow
Eighth: The braces in place
Ninth: Tying down the cable - that's tight!
Tenth: Graph of draw weights of the
Tuktut Nogait bow with various settings
Eleventh: Ruin Island Phase bow limb fragments