Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Newfoundland and Labrador Archaeological Society meetings

Starting a new organization is all about team building and
keeping the volunteers interested and motivated
I spent the day on Newfoundland and Labrador Archaeological Society (NLAS) business with several of the other volunteers who were foolish enough to get involved with launching this new organization.  There is still a lot of behind the scenes planning and work being done to get everything organized, but we are also taking baby steps towards taking on a more public role. Earlier in the summer we set up a Facebook page: and Twitter account: and in the next few months we will begin rolling out more interactive and public programming.

On the nuts and bolts side of things, I went downtown this morning with the other directors to open up a bank account.  We shopped around a lot, but eventually settled on the TD Bank, because they have a very affordable account specifically designed for not-for-profit organizations, which is only $1.95/month.  (Actually, its free if we keep a balance of $5000 in the account - so we can add that to our list of goals to aim for.)  We made our first deposit of money donated to the society and our first withdrawal to cover start up costs, and were left with a small balance to build on.

After the meeting at The Rooms,
Elaine gave Steve and I a tour of the
new fourth floor exhibit.  What a
great addition to the museum!
In the afternoon, I met with folks from The Rooms and the Provincial Archaeology Office to discuss plans for the upcoming International Archaeology Day on October 19th.  There are still details to work out and more people to consult, but I think we have a pretty fun day planned at The Rooms.  I'll provide updates on this blog and on our NLAS facebook page as the day draws nearer, but we plan to have something for the whole family.  It will be one of our first public NLAS events and will give us a chance to let people know what we are up to and will also provide an opportunity to start a conversation with everyone interested in our province's past about what we would all like to see from a Newfoundland and Labrador Archaeological Society.

Photo Credits:
1,3: Tim Rast
2: Screen grab from the Newfoundland and Labrador Archaeological Society Facebook Page.


  1. Let me know when you get the handshake figured out!

    1. We have top men working on it now. Top... men.
