Friday, August 9, 2013

Cleaning out the shed

Airing everything out
I didn't do much tidying up in my workshop after my last few jobs in the spring before heading into the field.  So when I got home a few days ago it wasn't a very inviting space.  The dust and debris from the spring work was ankle deep and strewn across the floor.  I tackled a first big cleaning today by hauling all the floor clutter out, opening up the windows and doors and giving everything a blast with the leaf blower to get the dust moving.  It'll take a few more days like today to get all the shelves organized and everything stowed away, but getting that grey layer of dust off everything makes the place a bit more colourful and inviting.

Buckets of various raw materials; rocks, bones, antler, wood, leather

This will be my workspace for the fall, winter and spring, so I'd better make it functional and comfortable again.
Photo Credits: Tim Rast

1 comment:

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