Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Newfoundland and Labrador Archaeological Society, Inc.

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Last week we incorporated the Newfoundland and Labrador Archaeological Society, Inc (NLAS).  This is a not for profit organization that members of the public and professional archaeologists will be able to join. We are still working out the nuts and bolts of the society's structure and long term plans, so we aren't yet ready to offer formal memberships into the society. However, as of Monday, we do have a public face through a Facebook page and Twitter account, where you can learn about what is happening in Newfoundland and Labrador archaeology and share your stories, suggestions, photos, and feedback with the Society's directors and volunteers to help shape the organization into something that will benefit the whole archaeological community, both public and professional. You don't have to have any formal training or experience to be a part of it, just an interest in the archaeological past.

Newfoundland and Labrador Archaeological Society Mission Statement:
To promote an understanding of archaeology in Newfoundland and Labrador and protect archaeological resources by fostering research, stewardship, education, and the exchange of ideas and information between professionals and the public.

Share and view photos of artifacts and sites in Newfoundland and Labrador on Facebook.

Browse the photo albums on Facebook
The founding directors are Tim Rast, Catherine Jalbert, Lori White, Stewart Wilson, and Corey Hutchings.   There is a core group of 20 volunteers who are contributing time, energy and funds to get the society up and running and, of course, more are always welcome.  Over the course of our first three planning meetings and e-mail and facebook conversations in between, we've developed a plan for the next 12 months:

  • Summer 2013: Develop and approve an NLAS Constitution and Code of Ethics
  • Fall 2013: Hold elections, public planning meetings and begin a membership drive
  • Winter 2014: Seek Charitable status
  • Spring 2014: Apply for Cultural Economic Development Program (CEDP) funding from the Provincial Government.  

As we progress through the dry mechanics of creating the society, we will be developing interesting content and services for members along the lines of public lectures, workshops, demonstrations, newsletters, education campaigns, etc, so look for those to start rolling out over the fall and winter as well.  At this point we invite you to Like us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter and give us your suggestions on how a Newfoundland and Labrador Archaeological Society can help you.  What services or events would you like to see the NLAS offer?

What sites will you visit this summer?

Follow NLAS on Twitter:

Photo Credits: Screen Captures from the Newfoundland and Labrador Archaeological Society Facebook Page.

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