Friday, May 31, 2013

Signed, Sealed and Delivered

Its a colourful collection 
Here is one last look at the completed artifact reproductions that are on their way to Laval.  It includes a set of Dorset Palaeoeskimo reproductions, a set of Maritime Archaic Indian reproductions and a PalaeoIndian fluted point.  I've posted all of these pieces in various stages of completion over the past few weeks, so this is just a final record of the work in its entirety.  

Dorset Palaeoeskimo Reproductions
The photo on the left shows the Dorset Palaeoeskimo pieces in the collection.  These have a Newfoundland and Labrador flavour to them, although the selfbladed harpoon head is more of an Early Dorset style with a sliced base that I don't think show up in collections from this province very often.  Most of the materials and stone is local, although I did use some exotic jasper for the microblades.  Jasper certainly shows up in Dorset collections, but this particular jasper comes from Australia and is called Mook Jasper or Mookaite.  Its a nice, fine grained material that gives a bit of colour to the collection.

A) Dorset harpoon (complete): chert endblade, antler harpoon head, whalebone foreshaft, softwood mainshaft, sealskin lashings and line, sinew lanyard, hide glue, B) Dorset tip-fluted endblade: chert, C) Dorset side-notched triangular knife: chert, D) Dorset unifacial side-scraper: chert, E) Dorset self-bladed harpoon head: antler, F) Dorset lance: slate, G) Dorset microblade Core: Jasper, H) Dorset microblades: Jasper, I) PalaeoIndian fluted point: chert, J) Maritime Archaic fish spear: whalebone, red ochre, K) Maritime Archaic lance: slate, red ochre L) Maritime Archaic projectile point: chert, red ochre, M) Maritime Archaic barbed harpoon head, antler, red ochre

Photo Credits: Tim Rast

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