Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Back in the shed, briefly

Endblade preforms made on
Newfoundland chert
Today is one of those days where the only motivation that I can find to pull myself away from the computer and head out to the shed to do some actual work is the need to take a photo or two to stick up on this blog.  So here they are; photographic proof that for a few minutes this afternoon I did something constructive, made some headway on spring orders, and escaped the backlog morass of e-mails, writing, random Youtube clips and tax returns that I've been mired in for the first half of this week. I made it outside and knapped a few chert preforms.

I have a couple interesting orders to work on that are full of Palaeoeskimo and Maritime Archaic reproductions.  It shouldn't take too long to get back into the swing of things, but for now, I turned a few chert flakes into preforms.
Photo Credits: Tim Rast

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