Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Flintknapping Workshop - Calgary 2013

One of last year's projects
On March 9th &10th, Jason Roe and I will be leading the Archaeological Society of Alberta - Calgary Centre's Flintknapping workshop.  The introductory day will be on Saturday and we'll have a Knap-In Day on Sunday for informal experimenting, hafting and special instruction on techniques, like thinning and fluting.  I intend to take some red ochre along to play around with ochre in glues.  The event has a Facebook page here: Stone Tool Workshop 2013.  You can also click on the poster below to enlarge it.

While I'm in Alberta, I'll be leading a workshop in Edmonton, stay tuned for details.  The same is true for St. John's - the Archaeology Student Society at Memorial University (MUNArch) is interested in hold workshops for their members as well.  Are Band-Aids a publicly traded company?  It might be a good time to pick up shares.

Photo Credit: 
1) Tim Rast
Poster) Archaeological Society of Alberta-Calgary Centre


  1. Excellent website. If you have plans for a workshop in the New York City or Philadelphia area, I would be very interested in attending.

    I have done some research on the Maritime Archaic burial sites in western France
    (Teviec, near Carnac)and southern Sweden (Skateholm).

    I would like to see a compilation of prehistoric depictions of ships in rock art (such as those at Alta, Norway) which could help us better understand how Maritime Archaic seafarers crossed the Atlantic to Newfoundland (Port au Choix).

    Robert Bednarik's work with the First Mariners project (Rangki Papa raft) shows how homo erectus could have traveled from Bali to Nusa Tenggara and Timor 840,000 years ago.

    Thank you for the balleen wolfkiller experiment. It is a sure way to interest young people in archaeology!

    1. I'd love to do workshops in your area, but I don't have any on the horizon that I know of.

      There are some interesting parallels between Maritime Archaic sites in North America and Mesolithic/Neolithic sites in northern Europe. It would take a lot of evidence to establish actual contact between the two areas, but people have certainly noticed the similarities. You might be interested in Peter Ramsden's 2008 article in North Atlantic Archaeology: IS THERE A NORTH ATLANTIC PREHISTORY? THE CASE OF THE NEOLITHIC AND THE ARCHAIC.
