Monday, September 17, 2012

What do you do with panorama photos?

I like taking panorama photos, like this 360 degree shot. 

Or stitching them together in photoshop, like this composite made from 5 photos.

But what do you do with them?  They're awkward to print and you need to zoom and scroll through them to really appreciate the detail.

Sometimes they'll work as banner images, but they tend to be too long and skinny for  things like Facebook cover photos.  What do you do with your panorama shots?
Photo Credits: Tim Rast


  1. My granddaughter made a fabulous panorama of Seattle's city lights at night, stitching together numerous exposures made from a beach across Elliott Bay from the city.

    It makes a great print, 36"x6" but you have to have the right wall to hang it on.

  2. I just like to enjoy them on the computer. But unless they are printed big - they really are only good for viewing digitally. I actually do not like to do 360 degree pans because they get too 'thin'. I like to make pans that do not look like pans but which allow you to do what you could not do unless it was a pan. For instance I once took pictures of bear tracks in the snow starting up close and then looking mid distance and finally into the far distance. If it had not been a pan I could not have gotten all three views in focus.


  3. Once upon a time I thought it would be great to have a geodatabase linked to panoramic shots of archaeological landscapes. I don't know what to do with non-archaeological photos though!

  4. I like to take panoramas too. Haven't done anything with them yet except enjoy them on a computer screen. I keep thinking that someday I will get some of them printed when I feel like spending some money. I recently saw that Canvas Lifestyle does canvas panorama prints.
