Monday, March 12, 2012

Getting back into the workshop

Working with my hands again
So, Elfshot was waiting for me as soon as I got off the plane in St. John's last week.  I've been travelling a lot for the past couple of weeks and made a lot of promises to people that came due as soon as I got back.  I finished a final draft of the monster report I've been working on most of the winter and sent it up the line for comments late last week, so now Elfshot has become my priority.

Stone drills over copper pressure flakers
I have a trio of ground slate ulu making workshops with grade 5 students enrolled in the Open Minds program at The Rooms this month.  The first session was last Friday and I have another one tomorrow and then again in two weeks.  These are a lot of fun, but a lot of work.  I've added a few new drills with knapped bits to the roster.  They're not as authentic as the ground nephrite drills for making ulus, but their big advantage is that I can resharpen them during the session much easier than regrinding the nephrite bits sharp.

The first of many points to come
I also have a pair of pressure flaking workshops to prepare for this week.  Over the weekend I made a couple dozen brand new pressure flakers for the participants to use.  I need to make a couple arrows and knap a few assorted points for necklaces and other projects before Friday.  Its good to be busy, and I'm glad to have a few small projects on hand that I can finish up quickly and cross off the list.

Photo Credits: Tim Rast

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