Monday, January 16, 2012

I love it when a plan map comes together...

It looks like I'm finally through the worst of the mapping.  I finished up the last of the 79 site and feature maps required for the report this afternoon.  I still need to print them out and see if they work on paper, but I'm almost done with building the pieces of the report and sticking them in place.  After that it should just be editing it all together and then booting it out the door.

The artifacts are all labelled, although I need to take a few more photos of them and make sure that everything is organized and ready to send off for curation at the Prince of Wales Northern Heritage Centre in Yellowknife.  Those few photographs should be about the last pieces that I need to build the report.  From then on, it will just be organizing and editing.

Photo Credits: Tim Rast

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