Friday, January 27, 2012

Hafted Beothuk Arrowhead Necklaces

Hafted Beothuk Necklace
 I whipped up a fresh batch of reproduction Beothuk arrowhead necklaces over the past week or so for a customer from the US. I started making these a couple of years ago after stumbling across a good recipe for making the red ochre covering colourfast.  I'm counting the days to when I can spend some more time in the workshop.  Starting in February I'm going to be busy with knapping demos and workshops in St. John's and Calgary.  Watch this space for dates and times.

Hafted Beothuk Necklace. Chert arrowhead, wood shaft, faux sinew and epoxy binding. Red Ochre stain. $39.95 CDN tax inc.
Maybe I'll keep one.  They are kind of cool.

Photo Credits: Tim Rast


  1. Wonder if you could wear one through airport security.....?

  2. I think you'd be fine. It won't set off the metal detector at any rate. I did forget a large obsidian biface in my carry-on once and it went through St. John's no problem, but in the hand inspection at St. Anthony the security officer asked me to move it to my checked bags.

    The good news is that if its confiscated by security in the St. John's airport you can always pick up a replacement from the Historic Sites Association kiosk before you board.

  3. These are amazing! And thank you again for whipping these up! You are a true artist!

  4. How can I buy these? I live in Sweden

    1. Hi Franco, I can make individual necklaces to order. I don't have any of these on hand at the moment, but I can add them to my workshop schedule over the coming weeks. If you'd like more details or to place an order, send me an e-mail at
