Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Elfshot Wants Back In

Maritime Archaic Ground Stone
Elfshot is creeping its way back into my routine.  I still have a lot of writing and analysis left from the summer so I can't afford more than a few hours in the evenings and weekends to work on artifact reproductions or jewelry, but hopefully early in the new year I'll be back in the workshop full time.  In March, I'll be returning to Alberta to help deliver the Archaeological Society of Alberta's flintknapping workshop in Calgary and do a presentation for the Society's Medicine Hat chapter.

Maritime Archaic Indian ground stone artifact reproductions. Gouge/Adze celt and hafted axe (argillite), Lance (slate), plummet (soapstone)
This past weekend I made a double-bitted Maritime Archaic Indian gouge/adze for a (very patient) customer, and the weekend before that I prepared a traveling ground slate kit for a kid's ulu-making workshop delivered by Labrador CURA researchers.  In the meantime, I've been filling Christmas jewelry requests as best I can and working on quotes for Spring 2012 work.  Its too early to go into detail, but I'm very excited to have some major projects in the works with national and international museums, universities, and parks.

Photo Credits: Tim Rast

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