Monday, April 27, 2015

Canadian Archaeological Association Conference is happening this week!

This promises to be a very hectic week.  St. John's is hosting the annual meeting of the Canadian Archaeological Association (CAA) at the Sheraton Hotel.  I'm involved to differing degrees with three different presentations; one on the Maritime Archaic at Bird Cove, one on a project that I'm working on with the Inuit Heritage Trust in Nunavut, and one on the Dorset Palaeoeskimo drum research that I've been doing with Chris Wolff.  The Newfoundland and Labrador Archaeological Society is organizing the bookroom and Elfshot will have a table there, so that will keep me busy between the talks.  I intend to set up a tarp and have lots of reproductions on display and for sale, so if you are in St. John's, please stop in and say "Hi!".  There are many social events going on throughout the conference and on Friday afternoon, the various Territorial and Provincial Archaeology Societies are having a meeting to talk about our shared goals and concerns, so I'm looking forward to catching up with old and new friends.

Sadly, I'll say goodbye
 to the Ikaahuk
reproductions over the
conference week as well
If you aren't a member of the CAA, you are still welcome to attend talks throughout the conference for the low daily rate of $40.  As well, there are free public talks all about beer on Saturday afternoon from 1-2:20 PM.  You can learn more about the conference, read abstracts from all of the presentations, and see a schedule of public events at the conference website here.

Photo Credits:
1: Screen Capture from the CAA/ACA 2015 Website
2: Tim Rast

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