Friday, January 30, 2015

More Photos of Knapped Stone Points

Stack them up like Shark's Teeth
This is my 935th blog post.  That's not a particularly significant milestone, but it is a pretty big number.  I've been blogging every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday for the past six years and sometimes it is very hard to come up with a new way to talk about the same subjects that I've covered many times.  Today, for example, I finished four dozen arrowheads and endblades for a jewellery order.  I've photographed and written about similar piles of knapped stone on dozens of occasions.  To make this post different, I tried to find some new ways of photographing the pieces.  They are all made form Newfoundland chert and include corner-notched Little Passage or Beothuk arrowheads, side-notched Groswater Palaeoeskimo endblades, and concave based Dorset Palaeoeskimo endblades.

Out in the Freezing Rain

Damp and Tossled

The School of Fish

The Tree Stand

The Bulls-eye


Photo Credits: Tim Rast

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