Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Chert Arrowheads and Endblades

Local Newfoundland Chert
After three days of knapping, there are nearly 90 points in the workshop ready to be turned into necklaces, earrings, lapel pins, and tie-tacs.  Most of these Beothuk arrowheads and Dorset and Groswater Palaeoeskimo endblades will end up as jewellery for sale through the gift shop at The Rooms here in St. John's.  It's been a while since I've restocked a store with this quantity of Elfshot jewellery, so if you have been waiting for the right moment to pick something up, your chance is coming up.

The large biface in the middle is a Groswater Palaeoeskimo assymetric knife, but the rest are arrowheads and endblades.  The upper right corner is full of triangular Middle Dorset Palaeoeskimo endblades, the lower right corner is Groswater Palaeoeskimo box-based, side notched endblades and the left side contains corner notched Beothuk arrowheads.  The larger ones will be turned into necklaces and the smaller ones will be paired up into earrings.  The lonely ones left behind will become tie tacs and lapel pins.
Photo Credits: Tim Rast


  1. Hi Tim, can I purchase a point from you directly, and if so, what would the cost be including shipping (to Ontario)?

    1. Yes, you can. Is there a specific point style, raw material, or culture that you are looking for? A stand alone point or made into a necklace or other jewellery? These things would affect the price, but in general, the sorts of points shown in this blog post would be in the $15-$30 range and shipping would be around $15. You can send me an e-mail if you'd like to work out the details:
