Wednesday, March 12, 2014

MUNArch Percussion Workshop

We are at the halfway point in the MUNArch flintknapping wokrshops.  Three of the six evenings have gone ahead and its been going great so far.  Last week we made ground stone ulus and this week we are working on hard and soft hammer percussion.  I'm off to Alberta and Saskatchewan for more workshops next week, but we'll be back at it in St. John's on March 24th and 26th to finish up with an introduction to pressure flaking.

Some impressive bifaces came out of the first round of Percussion knapping.

A lot of focus.  The room can get pretty quiet at time, except for the sounds of rock breaking.

Photo Credits: Tim Rast

1 comment:

  1. I really gotta get out for one of these one day. Gotta learn how to make flints for my flintlock rifle out of the jasper I find lying around.
