Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Is the trip half finished or half started?

Knapping with the BAS in Provost
I'm at the midway point of this flintknapping tour of Alberta and Saskatchewan and things are going great. Yesterday afternoon I was talking with students at Grant MacEwan University in Edmonton and the night before that I was knapping with members of the Bodo Archaeological Society at the museum in Provost.

Some last minute fletching
Right now I'm going through some final preparation for this evening's slideshow-and-tell with the Red Deer branch of the Archaeological Society of Alberta.  The talk will focus on three of my favourite Palaeoeskimo artifact reproductions; the Independence I driftwood arrow, the Groswater harpoon from L'Anse aux Meadows, and the Late Dorset drums from Bylot Island.  I finally got around to tying a couple feathers on to the driftwood arrow in my hotel room a few minutes ago.  I just need to pop a few more slides into the powerpoint and then I should be ready to hit the road for Red Deer (I'm in Edmonton at the moment).

I am making out like a bandit in the swag department.
Highlights include a Bodo sweatshirt, mug, and
 calendars.  I'm especially grateful for the timely gift
of the Grant MacEwan University laser-flashlight-pen.
I feel like James Bond heading into my talk tonight.
I must thank everyone again for organizing all of this.  I've been able to show up at the locations and have everything ready and waiting for me.  Volunteers, staff, and students with the Bodo Archaeological Society(Christie, Courtney, Peter), Grant MacEwan University (Franca), the University of Alberta, and especially Kurtis Blaikie with the Strathcona Archaeological Society have taken care of all the logistics of gathering the flintknapping supplies and rock as well as organizing and advertising the events and handling all of the registration details.  I really appreciate all that effort.

The highway sign at Provost, Alberta.

The museum had a great ambiance for a flintknapping workshop and we had a very good turn out, with about a dozen new knappers joining us from the surrounding area.

A local collection donated to the museum and put on display.  Its nice when folks keep track of where they find stuff, and let local museums, archaeologists, and the public know about it.  It also serves as good inspiration for a flintknapping workshop.

A couple of the first time points made on Monday night.  Some real talent there.
Photo Credits: Tim Rast

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