Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Tropical Fish Photos from Cuba

Its cold in St. John's this week.  Being on the water we can expect lots of snow throughout the winter, but it doesn't often get terribly cold.  Minus 40 doesn't really happen here, but this week feels very cold.  There is ice bumping around in the harbour.  I thought that I was pre-heating my shed today, but I only had the fan on, not the heat so when I tried to get some outside work done this afternoon, it was a very chilly experience.  I didn't get any Elfshot work completed enough to photograph and blog about, so here are some pictures of nice warm tropical fish that I took in Cuba over Christmas.

I don't know the names of most of these fish, so I just made them up. This is the Grandfather Camel Fish.

Most of the fish hung out around the grass or coral at the bottom, but these guys picked the floating grass near the surface.  A lot of the time you could see them with little green sprigs in their pointy mouths.

These ones reminded me of giant goldfish.  They were pretty big, with bodies bigger than a banana.  They liked to hide out under rocks or in shadows, so they were pretty difficult to photograph.

I saw one Lion Fish on the last day of the trip.  It was pretty cool looking, but unfortunately he's in the wrong ocean.  Sometime in the last decade or so they were introduced to the Atlantic and Caribbean seas and there is a lot of concern about their spread and their impact on local fish and coral reef ecosystems.  Most of the fish darted around and kept on the move, but this guy just floated there like he owned the place.

Photo Credits: Tim Rast

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