Monday, February 24, 2014

Snowshoeing Father Troy's Trail Part II

Sunday was a perfect morning for snowshoeing.  We returned to Father Troy's Trail running between Flatrock and Torbay and did a section in the middle of the trail between Church Cove and Whale Cove.  The snow was ideal for snowshoeing, with a very thin ice glaze on top and dense wet snow underneath.  It was exactly the sort of snow that snowshoes let you stay on top of.   The trail was well marked and offered a variety of difficult, moderate, and easy options through the woods or along the coast.  The day provided a much needed break between busy weeks in the workshop. 

The cliffs at Church Cove

Little bridges - I love little bridges!

The view back towards Church Cove

The cliffs at Whale Cove

Torbay in the distance

Photo Credits: Tim Rast

1 comment:

  1. Hello,
    This above represented post is really too interesting and snowshoeing is just a thrilling winter adventure game...Thank you too much.......
