Monday, February 3, 2014

Snowshoeing Father Troy's Trail

We had another perfect Saturday morning for hitting the trails on snowshoes this past weekend.  This time we tackled a section of Father Troy's Trail on the East Cost Trail between Torbay and Flatrock.  These scenic tromps with friends are quickly becoming the highlight of the winter.  We covered a third or so of the trail, and there are lots of mid-trail access points along this particular stretch, so I'm hoping we can get back again in the coming weeks and see some more of it.

Photo Credits: Tim Rast and Lori White


  1. Such glorious snow. We've had nothing but rain and a gray 40 degrees all winter. UGHHHHH. Patrick

    1. That sucks. We've been very fortunate with the weather so far this year. We've had some big storms, cold temperatures and some power problems in the province, but the snow has been great and the weekends have really been cooperative for getting outdoors.
