Friday, January 24, 2014

The NLAS has been busy

Planning for the future
I've attended a few Newfoundland and Labrador Archaeological Society meetings in the past week or so.  We had an executive meeting last week and then a public planning meeting on the weekend.  Following the weekend brainstorming session, the Planning Committee got together on Tuesday to distill some of the great ideas we heard into a manageable 3 year plan.  We very nearly have a draft of the plan ready for the board to vote on at our next board meeting in early February.  We'll need the plan in place in order to apply for funding and seek charitable status for the NLAS.  I wish I was as organized with my own business as we are with the NLAS.  Of course having a large pool of energetic volunteers helps a lot.
We had a good turnout and some new faces at the public planning meeting last Saturday.  We generated dozens of ideas for services to offer members and directions to take the society.  We're organizing those ideas into themes and laying them out as a road-map that the society will follow for the next three years.
Photo Credits: Tim Rast

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