Friday, January 10, 2014

First Order of 2014 - Shipped!

Antler billets and pressure flaking kits
The first Elfshot order of 2014 is out the door and shipped.  A friend in New York ordered a bunch of flintknapping kits and moose antler billets to use with his students. It was the perfect sized order to ease back into the workshop.  Most of the week has gone into planning a flintknapping trip to western Canada for the spring, outlining some potential work with the Inuit Heritage Trust for next winter, and writing a couple of brief reviews.  I am so grateful for (and jealous of) people who are good at organizing and writing, because I find both activities extremely difficult.  This morning, I managed to finish a short summary of the Newfoundland and Labrador Archaeological Society's first year for the Provinicial Archaeology Office's annual report series and this afternoon I'm continuing to stab away at a book review that is increasingly overdue.  Right now, the closest thing that I can find to motivation for writing is a desire to pad out the rest of the work week with a few more productive hours so that tomorrow's planned snowshoe, greasy pub, and wine tasting adventure feels like an earned break.

Assorted small moose antler billets.  The smallest ones can double as pressure flakers.
Photo Credits: Tim Rast

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