Friday, January 17, 2014

Edmonton and Saskatoon March Flintknapping Announcements

Edmonton Flintknapping workshop
I'm very pleased to be returning to Edmonton on March 15th and 16th of this year for a flintknapping workshop with the Archaeological Society of Alberta's Strathcona Centre.  I had a great time last year, so I'm really looking forward to it.  When the details get sorted out, there will probably be a couple demonstration dates elsewhere in Alberta during the following week.  Then I head to Saskatchewan, thanks funding from the Saskatchewan Archaeological Society, The University of Saskatchewan, and the Saskatchewan Association of Professional Archaeologists.  There will be demonstrations in Saskatoon on Friday, March 21st and then a workshop on the weekend (March 22nd and 23rd).     I'll post more details as we firm up the venues, but it promises to be a lot of fun.

Photo Credit: Tim Rast

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