Monday, October 21, 2013

International Archaeology Day Success!

A glimpse from the Vaults
We had a really great day at The Rooms on Saturday in celebration of International Archaeology Day.  The Rooms organized and advertised the event and provided volunteers and staff to run a sandbox dig for kids as well as give people a glimpse at some of the artifacts that are normally kept behind the scenes in the storage vaults.  The public programming folks with The Rooms also sent out invitations to other archaeology stakeholders in the Province, including the Provincial Archaeology Office, Memorial University of Newfoundland's Archaeology Department, the Shipwreck Preservation Society of Newfoundland and Labrador and the Newfoundland and Labrador Archaeological Society.

Ask the Expert
A representative from the Provincial Archaeology Office brought maps and chatted with people about the work that the PAO does, answered questions, and helped identify artifacts that people brought in.  Archaeologists from MUN set up a Micro-museum to showcase the range of microscopic artifacts and samples that show up on archaeological sites.  It was a bit of a wet, grey day in the city, so I think we benefited from some outdoor event cancellations around town.  I don't know exact numbers, but I'm sure that visitors numbered in the hundreds.

The MUN Archaeology Micro-Museum!

The NLAS corner
This was the first public Newfoundland and Labrador Archaeological Society event, so our goal was to let people know that we exist, promote our upcoming free lecture and AGM on November 4th and begin offering people the chance to become members of the Society.  We had a lot of NLAS volunteers on hand to talk to people, discuss the archaeology of the province, the work we do, and demonstrate flintknapping.  You can see a tonne more photos from the event on the NLAS Facebook Page (as well as find membership information).

The Shipwreck Preservation Society of  Newfoundland
and Labrador
The Shipwreck Preservation Society of Newfoundland and Labrador showcased their recent work identifying three shipwrecks in Conception Harbour.  Through careful investigation of the ships preserved above and below the waterline in the harbour, SPSNL researchers were able to positively identify the three whaling vessels wrecked in the harbour.  Its a very interested story and the SPSNL should be commended for their fantastic contribution to the the history of Conception Harbour and the Province.  You can read about it today's Telegram: New Answers About Sunken Ships.

Photo Credits: Lori White

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