Wednesday, February 27, 2013

March Flintknapping Workshops in Edmonton

Hafting stone tools
The Strathcona Archaeological Society is sponsoring a pair of flintknapping workshops at the University of Alberta in Edmonton during the first half of March.  On Saturday, March 9th, Sean Lynch will be instructing a day long Beginners Workshop (I'll be in Calgary) and on Saturday, March 16th I'll be leading an Advanced Workshop focused on making and using hafted stone tools.  You'll pick up the skills you need in the beginner workshop on the 9th to participate in the advanced workshop the following week.  Its going to be modeled along the same lines as the advanced workshop that I did in Calgary in 2010 - with a quick tutorial on making a Hoko knife and then you'll be using that simple flake knife to create a more complex haft for one of your stone scrapers or knife blades.  (Incidentally, I'll be offering an evening version of this workshop through MUNArch here in St. John's later in March or early April... details to follow.)

Contact Kurtis Blaikie (kurtis @ treetime . ca) for more information and to register.

Photo Credits:
1) Michael Turney
2) Poster, Kurtis Blaikie

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