Friday, January 11, 2013

Snow Day

Lots of drifting snow
St. John's had a snow day today.  We had a bit of a blizzard over the last 24 hours and the city had about a months worth of snow dumped on it all at once.  Usually it takes a few storms and lots of shoveling for the snow pile in front of our house to reach the living room window, but with just the sidewalk cleared and the car still encased we have already shoveled snow to that height.  

We had a dusting of snow before this, but winter arrived all at once in the city.

Out the front door
Most of the Avalon Peninsula was without power at one time or another.  We lost power for most of the work day, and since it was too miserable to shovel, I took the day off.  Monday, I'll be in the shed working on some snow goggles for a museum display in Ontario.  Finger crossed, I'll have the first Archaeological Plans and Profiles interview to share with you then as well.

Our street is down to one lane.  We'll finish shoveling the car out tomorrow.

Photo Credits: Tim Rast

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