Monday, January 7, 2013

Introducing Archaeological Plans and Profiles

Over the coming weeks and months I'm going to be interviewing archaeologists about their research in a series of blog posts called Plans and Profiles.  I'm excited to learn about the work that is being done by students of Archaeology at every stage of their career, from undergrad to emeritus, in institutions and the private sector.

The Plans and Profiles format is very simple. I send the archaeologist nine questions and they send back their answers and a few photos that illustrate their work. Not everyone will get exactly the same questions, but they will all focus on the research and the researcher in a fun, informal way. I hope to get the sorts of responses that you might hear in the bar at the end of a conference. I'm genuinely curious about what people are working on, especially in the areas of Experimental Archaeology, the Arctic, or Newfoundland and Labrador, but I won't turn down anyone, especially student researchers, who would like to raise awareness of their work.

Do you know someone who you would like to see recognized or know more about their work?  Send me your suggestions, or if you are willing to have your work profiled here, please send me a note at:  


Plans and Profiles Index

Amelia Fay Researching Labrador Inuit-European Contact

Peter Ramsden Researching 16th Century Huron Interactions

Meghan Burchell Researching Shells, Seasonality, and Settlement in Coastal British Columbia

Chris Wolff, Don Holly, and John Erwin Researching Human-Environment Interaction at Stock Cove, Newfoundland

Kieran Westley Researching Submerged Landscapes North of Ireland

Kasia Szremski Researching Interactions and Agriculture in Peru

Elaine Anton, Archaeology and Ethnology Collections Manager at The Rooms

Claidhbh Ó Gibne Experimenting with Neolithic Watercraft in Ireland

Photo Credits: Tim Rast

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