Wednesday, August 15, 2012


A Pre-Dorset tent ring in the foreground with assorted test units and excavation blocks across the site. I'm enjoying using my monopod for high angle shots this summer.

Photo Credit: Tim Rast


  1. Beautiful shot, Tim. Your excavations always look so crisp and clean - almost surgical.

    Matt B.

  2. Thanks Matt - I'll pass that on to everyone.

  3. How close was the high tide mark during the paleo Dorset time? Imagining back, it makes me think the beach was not to far from the camp.

  4. That's a good point - the land has been rebounding since the ice left the area around 5000 years ago. The sea level when this site was occupied would most likely have been the green area just above the excavated beach in the photo. This particular site is one of the highest in our study area at approximately 50 metres above sea level (masl). We've found pre-Dorset sites ranging from 26-50 masl, which probably date between 3000 and 3900 years ago.
