Friday, October 7, 2011

L'Anse Amour Harpoon Head Reproduction

Ivory Harpoon Head Reproduction
I have a few photos from the archives to share while I'm away.  The L'Anse Amour burial is at least 7,500 years old and contained one of the oldest, perhaps even the oldest toggling harpoon head ever found in the New World.  The tip was cracked off of the original ivory artifact, but when I made this reproduction the client requested that the tip be restored.  The same is true of the other artifacts in the set, the bone point, for example was also missing its tip.

L'Anse Amour Ivory Toggle, Harpoon Head, Quartzite Biface (knife?), Antler Pendant, Bone Point (Elfshot Reproductions)

The Harpoon head didn't have a line hole, but it had a slight waist presumably to secure the toggling line.  The hole in the base for the foreshaft was round.
 Photo Credits: Tim Rast

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