Wednesday, September 21, 2011

L'Anse aux Meadows Reproductions Installed

I was reading Laura Eliza Silverado: Adventures in Labrador a few days ago and was pleased to see Eliza's photos of a of set of reproductions that I made for L'Anse aux Meadows back in 2009.  The last time I saw these reproductions was when they were packed up and shipped back to Parks Canada along with the artifacts that inspired them.  
I haven't seen the completed display in person, but luckily when Eliza and Laura were blown off course on their way to Labrador by a small hurricane they had time to visit the newly renovated interpretation centre at L'Anse aux Meadows.  Eliza helped me get a hold of the sealskin and also shave it down with stone tools, so she recognized the pieces on display.  She sent me these pictures.  I love that they are displayed along side the original artifacts and that the sign says "Please Touch".

Photo Credits: Eliza Brandy


  1. It's great to see the original and reproduction Groswater harpoons side-by-side on display! I can't wait to make my next trip to L'Anse aux Meadows!

  2. Re[plicating ancient artifactdoes a great deal toward uderstanding the technology required to manufacturing such implements. In my poor collectioin are a lot of partially processed raw materials, and a lot of broken or otherwise unfinished implements. I also have considerable experience of either using or observing the use of traditional implements used by the Central Yupik people in their hunting, fishing, carving, sewing, skinworking, basket & bag making, food preservation, etc during the last 40 years. I still use or make many of these implements for regular use by myself or relatives.

    1. I agree, there's no substitute for experience.
