Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Cool Canadian Lithic Blogs

This is my first pre-scheduled blog post of the summer.  Here are a couple of fascinating blogs that I enjoy following and that you might like as well.

PaleoNick: Musings from a man behind the times. Way behind.  Nick Waber is an archaeology Grad student at the University of Victoria, in British Columbia who specializes in lithic technology and experimental archaeology.  In the first few posts on his new blog he documents some of his experiments with hafting microblades and testing their performance in ballistic's gel experiments.  Plus, he's into minimalist running.

Stoneflake: Paul Dolanjski posts stunning photographs of wildlife, flintknapping, and bushcraft on  The site describes itself this way: " is a mis-mash of information pertaining to Prehistory, Geology and skills of the past. It is an ongoing project with new material being added weekly."  Flip through some of the older posts - the posts won't weigh you down with text, but the photography leaves a lasting impression.

Photo Credits: Screen captures from the respective sites.

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