Friday, March 25, 2011

Packing, Shipping, Travelling

Chert knives and knapping tools
I'm sitting at the St. John's airport with my fingers crossed.  If there happens to be a break in the blowing snow at 7AM then I'll be on my way to Rocky Harbour in Gros Morne National Park in an hour or so.  Its just a quick two-day trip to film a flintknapping session for use in the Interpretation Centre at L'Anse aux Meadows.  The Parks Canada offices and the film-maker are on the west coast of Newfoundland and I'm in the east.  We've been trying to work out a time to film since I finished the harpoon and other reproductions for the site last spring and were finally able to sneak this trip in before the end of the current budget year.   I'll be knapping a Dorset Palaeoeskimo knife from chert.

Packing up the set
Yesterday, Lori packaged up the last 10 pieces in the Central Arctic set and we shipped them off to the client in Burnaby.  Its a big relief to have that order done and off my plate - although I won't be able to completely relax until I know that it all arrived safe and sound.  As soon as I get a moment to sit down at the computer again, I'll post a few more shots of the last piece in the set and do a wrap-up post on the project.

Unfortunately I had to ship the whip before leaving for the filming.  How will anyone know I'm an archaeologist now?

Photo Credits: Tim Rast


  1. Re: whip - Pretend you're working under cover as a cultural anthropologist.

  2. I felt cheated when I arrived for my first day of Archaeology 101 and found out that whips and hats were not being distributed. Instead we talked about dirt and tree rings, we never did go on any adventures.

  3. Yeah, I know - I was waiting 20 years for my whip and never did get one. I finally had to make my own.

    You don't usually get to go on adventures until your 3rd or 4th year. It takes a couple years to acclimatize a student's brain and liver to the rigours of fieldwork.
