Friday, March 4, 2011

Open Minds demo days are the best demo days

Two talented artists
What a great way to head into the weekend!  I just got home from doing a flintknapping demo for a grade 5 class participating in the Open Minds program at The Rooms.   These demonstration days are always a lot of fun, but this class was particularly enthusiastic and talented. They asked lots of questions about the work and tools and some even asked for photos and autographs at the end.  Stephanie Slaney, the Open Minds Co-ordinator at The Rooms, has the following quote in her e-mail signature that I think sums up the philosophy of the program:
"The way children best learn the complex skills and dispositions of adulthood is through keeping real company with the type of experts they hope to become (and....through keeping company with the real things of the world)."

Deborah Meier, In Schools We Trust

Demonstration props
The kids had the option to record the presentation how ever they wanted.  Some took notes, most drew the artifact reproductions, one girl took a video of the whole hour and a half demonstration on her camera, and a few drew me flintknapping.  Some of the students gave me photocopies of their drawings from their journals, so I thought I'd share them.    I felt like a star and got some great new Facebook profile images - check them out!

Photo Credits: Tim Rast / Drawings by an awesome 5th grade class!

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