Friday, January 7, 2011

Blueprints, bones, and beer bottles

Sketching artifact blueprints
The Beer Bottle to Arrowhead flintknapping kits are all done and I'll take them in to the Craft Council Shop the next time I'm up to Devon House.  In the meantime, I have a big pot of fox feet boiling in the backyard and while it steams away, I've been working on blueprints for the next few sets of reproductions.  I have a few hafted pieces to make for Terra Nova National Park before the end of their fiscal year and a bunch of Central Arctic reproductions to do ASAP for the same client that ordered the drum before Christmas.

Boiling and a skiff of snow
I picked up the fox bones before Christmas from some very helpful folks in the Provincial Wildlife Division.  I'm boiling them up in the backyard to remove the little bit of gristle and fur still clinging to them.  They came from nuisance animals that the division had to trap and test for disease.  There's more than enough there for the necklace that I need to make from them, which takes a lot of pressure off - its as good as done.  I'm also hopeful that the Wildlife guys will be able to provide some of the other caribou bones that I'm looking for.  Although, I could still really use help with the caribou metatarsal or metacarpal, if anyone has any extra caribou feet hanging around.

Beer Bottle to Arrowhead flintknapping kits - available from the Craft Council shop at Devon House, soon...
 Photo Credits: Tim Rast


  1. "I'm boiling them up in the backyard to remove the little bit of gristle and fur still clinging to them".

    Mmmmm, glad i'm not eating lunch yet!

    "They came from nuisance animals that the division had to trap and test for disease. There's more than enough there for the necklace that I need to make from them."

    I trust that the finished pieces will be fashioned from the non-diseased individuals? Or do you offer a discount on rabid jewelry? ;)

  2. The tests all came back negative for rabies, or so we we're assured when we picked up the bones. I guess these foxes were just jerks.

    All those little bones have had me craving wings since I started boiling on Friday, but seeing them all gooey in the pot made me hesitate eating anything with bones in the house. I'm not sure I could stomach it, so I went to KFC in the Mall on Saturday.
