Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Anthropology, Bushcraft, and Artifact Reproductions

I'm setting up a few scheduled posts for this blog, so that I can get away from the computer for a few days over the holiday.  While Elfshot: Sticks and Stones is on autopilot for a couple weeks, here are some of my new favourite haunts for you to checkout.

Four Stone Hearth:  This is an anthropology blog carnival that has being running bi-weekly since October 2006.  A blog carnival is a collection of blog posts, united by theme, that is hosted by a different blog each issue.  Bloggers who have posted recently on the carnival's theme can submit their link to the upcoming host, who then creates a carnival post that ties together all the separate posts and links back to the submitted articles.  Four Stone Hearth is carnival themed to the big four subdisciplines of Anthropology; Archaeology, Cultural Anthropology, Physical Anthropology, and Linguistics.  The next carnival comes out today, and is hosted by Magnus Reuterdahl, a Swedish archaeologist, osteologist and vinophile who blogs about archaeology at Testimony of the Spade and wine at Aqua vitae – livets vattenThis week's Four Stone Hearth carnival post, #109, contains my first submission to the carnival.

BushcraftUK: BushcraftUK is a massive forum dedicated to bushcraft.  There's a good deal of overlap between some aspects of experimental archaeology and bushcraft.  These days, people are just as likely to get their first taste of flintknapping from a wilderness survival expert as they are from an archaeologist.  BushcraftUK is populated by a lot of experienced outdoor enthusiasts and the occasional archaeologist.  I'm relatively new to the forum, but it seem like a big friendly group.  Archaeologists might find the site useful for two reasons; first, there's good practical advice in there for helping to understand the lifestyles and tools of the people that we are studying, and secondly, there's a lot of outdoor experience there that would be useful to carry in your head or in your pack while doing fieldwork.

Graham's Potted History: Graham Taylor is a craftsperson and experimental archaeologist from Rothbury, Northumberland who specializes in ceramics; both his own contemporary designs and meticulous artifact reproductions that span thousands of years.  You can see his contemporary work in his Crown Studio Gallery, peruse his artifact reproductions at Potted History, and read about his current projects on his blog; Graham's Potted History.  I've especially enjoyed following his twitterfeed and checking out all his behind the scenes twitpics from inside his studio.  It looks like Northumberland can expect a white Christmas this year!

Photo Credits: Screen grabs from the sites linked in this post.

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