Friday, November 12, 2010

Flintknapping in the Classroom

An Excellent Bow Drill Assistant
Lori and I visited our niece's grade four class today for a flintknapping demonstration and to talk about archaeology in Newfoundland and Labrador.  I showed them how an obsidian core is knapped into a spear point using stone and antler tools and then we talked about and drew some of the reproductions. Its a fun age to work with and there were some very talented artists in the group.  Its remarkable how much they absorb and remember.

Knapping a spear point for the class

Lori explaining the artifact reproductions
By the end of the afternoon, the kids were teaching us about what they had learned.
Photo Credits: 
1-2, 4: Lori White
3: Tim Rast


  1. You and Lori are doing a great job , keep up the good work. jigger46

  2. Thanks, the classroom visits are always fun!
