Monday, October 25, 2010

Writing in the Mornings, Knapping in the Afternoon

Intermediate Indian point, coming up next
I finished off a few antler and walrus ivory reproductions late last week and will be putting them in the mail today for the friend who ordered them.  One of the pieces is intended as a gift, so I'll write more about it all after its been delivered.  This week will have a bit of flintknapping in it -- there are some Intermediate Indian projectile points and Groswater Palaeoeskimo endblades in the line-up.  At the start of November, I'll be assisting an artist from Nunavut who will be doing some work in the Province, so I have a small amount of preparation for that to do, but the big task for the week is to get back into writing mode.

Bird Cove Interpretive Panel
I'm co-authoring a couple papers with colleagues about some Maritime Archaic and Groswater Palaeoeskimo excavations that we were all involved with at various times over the last decade or so.  The sites are all from Bird Cove, on Newfoundland's Northern Peninsula.  We submitted the abstracts earlier in October and our deadline to have the papers sent out for review is December, so we've got a lot to do.  Its been a while since I've had to dedicate a lot of time to writing, so I'm not exactly sure what sort of schedule I'll use.  In the past, mornings were my best writing time -- if I didn't get something written before 11am, it wouldn't happen at all that day.  For the past year an a half, I've written my blog posts every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday morning, so I guess mornings are still my writing time.  That fits fine with Elfshot's production schedule - I tend to do most of my outdoor studio work in the afternoons, with a bit of indoor assembly and planning in the evenings.

Photo Credits:
1: Scott Neilsen
2: Tim Rast

1 comment:

  1. Would you mind sending me copies of the Bird Cove panel photos (digital copies, I mean)? I misplaced the ones you originally sent a couple computers back, and I would be nice to have them in my portfolio (even though I draw better now).
