Friday, September 17, 2010

Area Man Loses Sleep, Plans Fall Schedule

Artist's impression of me at 3:30 am
I'm settling back into my Newfoundland work routine, but my body is still on Calgary time. I don't know why I thought having coffee at 8:00 last night would be a good idea, it certainly didn't seem like a good idea at 3:30 in the morning when I couldn't sleep.

Its going to be a busy fall. I'm working on a wholesale jewelry order for a new customer in the heart of polar bear country right now. There will be a new set of Palaeoeskimo reproductions from one of the most northerly sites on earth. I can't wait to receive those artifacts and start working on them. I've got a couple suprises and one-of-a-kind pieces in the mix to keep things interesting. 
Dorset Palaeoeskimo Harpoon Head
I'll also be working on a couple articles with friends. We'll be revisiting and writing up the collections and previously unpublished material from a few interesting sites and collections found on Newfoundland's northern peninsula. 

Unfortunately, something had to give.  I'm not going to be attending the Craft Council's Christmas Craft Fair this year.  I'll miss being there and seeing everyone, but I'm afraid that I don't have room in my schedule to make enough new product to stock a booth.

Photo Credits:
1: Tim Rast
2: Latonia Hartery/Tim Rast


  1. Ha HA HA
    When I came in last night I thought to myself - "geez, he's drinking coffee at this hour. If I did that I wouldn't sleep all night!"
    I don't drink coffee after 6 pm.

  2. Yeah, well... It was 4:30 in the afternoon, Alberta time.

  3. Ok, I can see that - but what was I doing in Alberta?
