Monday, August 23, 2010

New Routines

Iqaluit Airport
I'm home now and taking a little bit of a breather before starting on fall work.  I have a couple little jobs lined up for September, as well as a trip to Alberta.  Tomorrow morning I have a Craft Council executive meeting, so I need to get caught up on all the news there. 

One corner of my messy office
Coming back from the field is a good opportunity to set up new routines.  All the old ruts and routines are forgotten and the days and weeks seem wide open.  I'd like to get back into running and my office could really use a good clean up.  I've put up a picture of the mess as an incentive to clean this place up and post an "After" picture later on.  Its a good time to clean -- I don't feel nearly as attached to all my piles of office debris as I did 6 weeks ago.

Photo Credits: Tim Rast


  1. HA HA HA
    Your office organizational skills are remarkably similar to my own.

    Nice to know you're home safe.

    BTW that's a nice poster on your office wall.

  2. The office doesn't look all that messy, i'd think twice about moving stuff around too much, you could lose track of something important!

  3. John, can I see you outside for a minute?

  4. It does seem like an awful lot of work. Maybe I could just crop the photo instead.
