Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Archaeology Blogs - some summer reading

Big sigh... the L'Anse aux Meadows artifacts and reproductions are out the door and on their way to the new exhibit on the Northern Peninsula.  Rumour has it they are aiming for a July 15th opening.  I just have a few pieces of jewelry to card and ship today and then I'm pretty much done with filling orders until the end of the summer.   Fieldwork will be taking me away from Elfshot soon, both the business and the blog.  I'll be away for six weeks during July and August and I need to start making the switch to gearing up for the field.

In the meantime, why not check out these archaeology blogs?

E’se’get Archaeology Project: Matt Betts from the Canadian Museum of Civilization will be working along the south coast of Nova Scotia excavating midden sites.  He's anticipating finding lots of faunal remains and will be working with local communities to provide a field school for Mi’kmaw high school students.  Matt, his crew, and his students will be offering updates of their latest discoveries on the project blog.  You never know what might pop up!

Out of Ice and Time:  This is an intriguing new blog by Anne Jensen, an arctic archaeologist living and working in Barrow, Alaska.  Anne is offering a candid look behind the scenes at her life and her work.  This blog will appeal to everyone with an interest in northern archaeology, but there's a depth to it that goes beyond simply presenting her project to a public audience.  I think her honest discussions of her day-to-day life will resonate with professional archaeologists and give students planning on entering the discipline some good points to consider.   I was hooked after reading her latest post, Living where you work has its downsides

Beyond Stone and Bone: This is Archaeology Magazine's blog and its updated weekly by posts from Mark Rose and Heather Pringle.  The topics can be anything archaeology related.  Elfshot: Sticks and Stones even made its way into the latest post by Heather, The Top Five Archaeological Bloggers. I certainly appreciate making the list!

Photo Credits:
1: Tim Rast
2-4: Screen captures from each of the blogs mentioned

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