Friday, April 16, 2010

Rocks and Rockers

Great White Chert Shark
Since the last post, I finished notching 37 Recent Indian corner notched points.  Here's a picture of them shaped like a shark.  Its a great white shark.

The White Stripes: Under Great White Northern LightsWhich reminds me of The White Stripes: Under Great White Northern Lights.  If you haven't heard this album or seen the accompanying documentary of their cross Canada tour in 2007, then you are sadly missing out.  Lori and I went to their concert when they were here in St. John's and it was amazing.  The DVD captures alot of the magic of that show.

Which reminds me of The Novaks, who opened for them while they were here.  The Novaks are releasing a new EP, Big World, on April 20th.  In the meantime you can listen to the new tracks streaming online.  I think Sooner or Later is my favourite new track.

Great White Red Shed
Which reminds me that I should get back to work, because Janet Davis, the big sister of The Novaks' vocalist, Mick Davis, is waiting on her wholesale jewelry order of Recent Indian necklaces for Norton's Cove Studio.  Which means that I have to disassemble the shark and head out into the great white north - it actually snowed in St. John's overnight and this is what my workshop looks like this morning.  Which makes me think of how nice Canada's west coast would be.

Disassembling sea creatures and thinking about the west coast reminds me of a really cool write-up this morning at Northwest Coast Archaeology called No Guts No Glory which explores some of the wonders of inflated seal intestines and the parallels between the archaeology of Canada's Pacific and Atlantic coasts.... and Elfshot.

Photo Credits:
1,4: Tim Rast
3: The Novaks
5: Northwest Coast Archaeology


  1. Great White Chert Shark - thanks for the new desktop photo!

  2. Thank you Steve, I knew I could count on you to support my art.

  3. "Which means that I have to disassemble the shark and head out into the great white north"

    Too bad - it would have been a very cool sculpture. Still the photo could make an interesting print and Elfshot T-shirt?

  4. Oooohhh, T shirt. What a conversation starter!

  5. Hi Tim, I hope you didn't mind me plundering your cool seal project. I really enjoy everything about elfshot! And I am forwarding my daughter (nickname: Sharkie) your shark image....


  6. Hey Quentin - No problem - I really appreciate your post. Its been driving traffic to the site all day.

    I'm really start to regret taking the shark apart...

  7. White Stripes are so so cool to me, I love their song Catch Hell Blues it's one of the best ones by them for sure. Thanks a lot for telling about the Novaks, I listened to their There Goes The Night and it was awesome, really enjoyed their songs.
