Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Cupids Arrow

Cupids Arrow and Arrowheads
No really, it is.  I'm shipping an order to the museum gift shop in Cupids today and it literally includes an arrow.  There's an untapped marketing opportunity there, for sure.  For the time being, if you visit the archaeological site in Cupids or take part in any of the Cupids 400 celebrations this year, pop into the gift shop for the biggest selection of Elfshot Recent Indian necklaces, earrings, and tie tacks in English speaking Canada.

Prince Charles and Archaeologist Bill Gilbert
Cupids is having a pretty big year this year.  The town was established in 1610, which makes it 400 years old in 2010.  Its the oldest English community in Canada and the archaeological site and museum have been the epicentre of some pretty high profile celebrations and visitors lately. In November, The Prince of Wales stopped by for a look and the Premier and Prime Minister stopped bickering long enough to show up with some funding and kind words for the celebration along the way. 
Our Premier and Prime Minister, too
Its a great boost for the community and its pretty exciting to see people stand up and take notice of an archaeological site.  Bill Gilbert has done a great job of searching out the origins of this community and the surrounding area.  His research into the area has not only pinpointed the location of the earliest English settlement, but he's also been able to locate some of the Beothuk sites that the 17th Century inhabitants recorded in their letters and journals.

Finally, speaking of historical archaeology-loving, arrow-wielding cherubs - Steve mentioned his shadow-boxed Beothuk arrow reproduction in the comments of Monday's post.  I wish I had one of these, I love the look of it in the frame. Thanks for the photo, Steve!

Steve's Beothuk arrow reproduction tricked out in an after market shadow-box

Photo Credits:
1: Tim Rast
2: CBC
3: CBC with some slight editing by me
4: Steve Hull

1 comment:

  1. Huh, never thought of myself as a cherub before, wouldn't you say they are light and cherry and fun to be around? I'm more of an orc kind'a guy.
    That aside, the photo doesn't do the arrow justice - I had it professionally framed here in St. John's at a framing shop. Well worth the money.
