Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Innovation, Trade and Thule Harpoons

Today is another workshop day for the Thule harpoons. I decided to make two after all. Not only is it faster to work on two harpoons side by side, but it frees me up to experiment a little. There is a lot of variability in Thule harpoons, so there are a couple of different things that I'd like to try out.

Earlier in the week, I dropped off some product at the Confederation Building to be photographed. Its not easy being a craft producer anywhere, but in Newfoundland and Labrador we are fortunate to have the support of both the member driven Craft Council of Newfoundland and Labrador (CCNL) as well as the Provincial Craft Sector in the Department for Innovation Trade and Rural Development (INTRD). The two organizations work together continually, but there are things that a government body can do that a not-for-profit organization can do and vice-versa. For example, helping craft producers with wholesaling their product is primarily an INTRD enterprise. They are the folks behind the Crafts of Character branding program and organize the Provincial Craft Wholesale Show every spring.

The photos are being done for craft producers in anticipation of the spring wholesale show Buyer's Guide. I've also signed up for help from Gloria Hickey in writing an artist statement and product description. Both the photography and writing are being provided to me, and dozens of other craft producers, at no charge through INTRD. I'm looking forward to getting an injection of professional photography and writing into Elfshot's promotional material.

If you are interested in promoting or expanding your craft business in Newfoundland and Labrador, the first step should be to become a member of the Craft Council of Newfoundland and Labrador and register as a craft producer with INTRD. Both organizations are invaluable to craft in the province and not everyone realizes that they are two separate entities. If you are a member of one and not the other, you are only getting half the package.

Photo Credits:
First: Tim Rast
Second: Erick Walsh
Third: Crafts of Character and Craft Council of Newfoundland and Labrador Logos

Photo Captions:
First: Some of the bits and pieces that go into making Thule harpoons
Second: Photography done by Erick Walsh for a .pdf portfolio, several years ago. Partially funded by INTRD.
Third: Two different logos, two different entities.

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