Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Hafted Necklaces

I'm off to Alberta to visit my dad and stepmom for a few days. I set up a few pre-scheduled posts to feed to the blog while I'm away. If I'm able to make updates while I'm at the farm, I will, but if not, I've got a few short photo based posts ready to go. Here's a look at the hafted point necklaces that I showed on the stalk last Friday. Now that I have a good recipe for a durable red ochre paint, I'm thinking about introducing hafted Beothuk style points as a new product for the wholesale season next spring. Imagine these, but done in local Newfoundland chert and stained with red ochre.

Hafted Necklaces (Obsidian, Wood, Artificial Sinew, Epoxy, leather cord) : $28.75 tax inc.

Photo Credits: Tim Rast

Photo Captions: Hafted Obsidian Necklaces

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