Monday, October 5, 2009

Chubby Boobies

Sunday was the Run for the Cure. It was chilly, but once we got going it was a nice day for a run. Between online donations, offline donations and our registration fees, Lori and I raised $280 - thanks to everyone who sponsored us. Lori was the star - not only did she raise the bulk of our donation money, she set the course on fire! She ran the 5 km in 32:37, setting a personal best time! She finished so quickly that I didn't even get a chance to photograph her crossing the finish line.

When I told her I'd missed her, she hid her disappointment like a trooper.

I got caught up in a race with my friend Miki for the last kilometre or so and finished in 25:44. Its probably tacky to talk about race times in a charity fun run, but I've been participating in this run for the last 8 years and its the only running benchmark that I have that stretches back that far. This was my second best time and 9 minutes faster than last year, which was my slowest time ever.

After a couple years of letting things slide, I started running again last fall to try and get in better shape. It was partly due to my personal worst time in the 2008 Run for the Cure and partly due to my nephew, Rhoan (seen here wearing Vulcan ears). A few minutes before I took this picture last September he climbed up on my lap and was about to tell me something. When he leaned on my chest his eyes got big and he said with some amazement and a little fear "Chubby Boobies?!". He was shocked to find a man with such chubby boobies. His Nan and I laughed and his shocked expression vanished as he realized he'd stumbled onto comedy gold. He spent the next half hour singing "Chubby Booby, Chubby Boobies, Chubby Booby". In case I didn't catch the subtlety of the lyrics, he choreographed a little routine that mostly involved making a taunting face and trying to pinch my tits. The photo pretty much sums up the performance (note the pinchy fingers).

The next month I got a treadmill. The chubby booby song was definitely a good motivator, but treadmills aren't cheap. As soon as that kid gets a job, he owes me $1100.

Photo Credits:
Top: Stranger at the 2009 Run for the Cure, St. John's
Middle, Bottom: Tim Rast

Photo Captions:
Top: Lori, John, Tim, Patricia, Elaine at the 2009 Run for the Cure, St. John's
Middle: Lori's reaction to hearing that she wasn't photographed while crossing the finish line because I was talking to a girl.
Bottom: Attempting to distract Rhoan during a performance of the original piece entitled "Chubby Boobies".


  1. The colour coordination of our outerwear in the group photo was spectacualrly unplanned. It was a great run followed by delicious brunch.

  2. Ditto, John. From run to restaurant it was a great day!

    (I find once you start saying "chubby boobies" it's kind of hard to stop. Anyone else feel the same? Maybe it's just my family.)

  3. The colour coordinated photo reminds me of the Penguins in Madagascar 2, when they divide all the chimps up into three groups; Team Alpha, Team Bronson, and Team George Peppard.

  4. Chubby boobies, chubby boobie, chubby boobies...Lori is so right ;)

  5. Tim, last time I saw you, there were definitely no signs of chub left :-)

    Lori, that was an awesome job! Great time on a somewhat challenging course (that climb out of Quidi Vidi Village is mentally tough). Give me a shout if you ever want a running companion!
