Friday, April 17, 2009

Thanks for Visiting!

Thanks for stopping by, let me put the kettle on...

I started Elfshot: Sticks and Stones about 2 months ago and I really appreciate all your feedback and comments. I'm starting to find my groove here so this post is a little housekeeping post about the blog.

Posting Schedule: For the people who check in regularily, I've penciled blog updates into my schedule for every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. I'm going to try to stick to that routine as much as possible. My posts tend to be on the long-ish side, so three a week is plenty.

Followers: Thanks for following! The follower gadget was a default setting when I started the blog and I'm glad I kept it. It helps me gauge who is watching the site and what topics might be of interest to them. I also use it as a shortcut between different sites. Its a really good way to browse blogs of people with similar interests to your own. If you have a blog, I recommend adding the follower gadget. If you've visited my site more than once, please consider adding yourself as a follower. It will help you find your way back here, navigate to other similar sites, and let me know that you are out there reading.

Comments: Thanks for commenting! So far it seems like the most commented on posts are the ones about running a craft business. And Lori. Again, the comments really help plot the direction that the blog will take. I have heard from one reader using a government computer that they can view the site, but can't post comments. I've made the commenting options as wide open as possible, but it doesn't seem to help. Which sucks, but given some of the IT restrictions that the Government puts on their own computers it doesn't really surprise me.

Thanks again for reading, don't forget to "follow" blogs you enjoy and I'll see you on Monday.

Photo Credits:
Tim Rast

Photo Captions:
Top: Dorset Palaeoeskimo reproduction soapstone lamp and pot
Middle: Maritime Archaic Indian marine hunting reproductions
Bottom: Lori's ear.

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