Wednesday, February 25, 2009

The Oldest Post in the Blog.

I'm just waiting for the Bailey's to blend with the coffee and then I'll really get this thing going.

Who: Tim Rast, Flintknapper and Archaeologist

What: A blog for Tim's company, Elfshot, which specializes in archaeologically inspired jewellry and museum quality artifact reproductions.

Where: From my home office in St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada.

When: I began this blog on Feb 25, 2009 because of two things that happened on Feb 24th.

Why: Yesterday morning, Feb 24th, I was going through my 2008 receipts getting ready to do my taxes. From a Do-what-you-love-and-you'll-never-have-to-work-a-day-in-your-life perspective, 2008 was a pretty blinding year. I wished I was the sort of person who kept an up to date portfolio, or at least a diary. Yesterday afternoon I went to a meeting with an interweb company to discuss the Craft Council of Newfoundland and Labrador's website. The web expert we talked to mentioned blogs as a simple way to manage your online content. The idea being that you don't have to be responsible for generating and storing all of your business's internet presence in one website. Which is a problem I've had with Updating the html isn't as much fun as it used to be and its turned me off from keeping up with my online portfolio and collecting links to Elfshot's presence around the internet.

So part of the role of this blog will be to keep a record of the work I'm doing now and in the future, but I'd also like to collect and document some of the highlights from Elfshot in 2008, before my memory completely fades.

How: For now I'll use this site on blogger, although I may want to bring the content to if I can't make the links between the blog and the website seemless.

Photo Credit: Janet Alilovic
Photo Caption: Flintknapping workshop on board the Akademik Ioffe, September 2008. Somewhere north of Baffin Island.


  1. Hey Tim,
    Don't forget to add a link on your webpage to your blog! That way your most recent content (i.e. blog posts) are available through your website and folks will be able to connect the two.
    Nice work!

  2. Hey Vicky - thanks for visiting! You're definitely right about a link from the website back to the blog. The problem I'm having right now is that its been so long since I updated the website that I seem to have misplaced my login information. But I promise to have it remedied soon!
