Friday, February 27, 2009

High Arctic Adventure

Last September, I was the resource archaeologist on a two week long High Arctic Cruise for a company called Adventure Canada. It was a fantastic trip and I'm sure that I'll post more on it in the future, but for now I want to gather together some of the web content that other people have created from the trip.

  • Yesterday, one of the passengers, Janet Alilovic, sent around a youtube video of the ship heading south across the Arctic Circle. We had a Luau on the ship's bow to celebrate -- I'm wearing the obnoxious pink shirt and Spiderman hat.
  • Another passenger, Linda Matchan, is a reporter with the Boston Globe and wrote this travel piece about the trip.
  • Author Ken McGoogan was responsible for keeping the official Log of the expedition. Here's a .pdf of his summary: High Arctic Adventure 2008.

Photo Credit: Tim Rast
Photo Caption: Walrus in Croker Bay, Devon Island, Nunavut, September 2008

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